Thursday, February 25, 2010




Today we got divided into groups of two. I and Chery were in a group. Today we had to discuss our own opinion about what we did yesterday. We had to give our own opinion about teamwork, responsibility and conflict. The reason for this was to get to know a different person in your group that you didn’t really know better. The other reason for this as well is so that if all of this comes up in a conversation so that you would know whether it would be alright with other people to discuss this subject openly. We also received other subjects to discuss that may occur in a conversation during class.


Teamwork helps to inspire each other more.

The more you work together the more you learn about each other.

Working in a team you need to know your team members, you need to make them comfortable as well as yourself when you work together.

It builds trust among each other.


Chery herself is good at keeping responsibility.

She keeps to her responsibilities.

The only week point she has that reflects on her responsibilities is cleaning her room at home. A simple reason for this is she has somebody at home to clean her room for her.

Time wise she is also responsible. She will always be aware of the time frame and stick to it.


Her recons that conflict occurs when people try to be the class clown.

She hate being surprise poked or tickled, she gets really angry about it.

She hates it when people play jokes on her.

She doesn’t like it when people embarrass her.

She gets annoyed with people who eat with their mouths open.

She gets annoyed with people who drag their feet.

She gets frustrated with people who tap on the tables.

To prevent any conflict with Chery, you need to have these points in mind. Please also respect these points, it’s really important. This teaches me more about Chery and now I know about the things she dislikes and I will inform my fellow group members.



· No alcohol on Sondela

· Can’t leave premises without permission

· No driving around without a licence

· Ask permission before swimming

· Clean after herself

· Keep room neat at all times

· No boys allowed at girls house

· No visitors without permission

Staying on the premises is nice, because you get to know everybody better after hours. You get to know things about them that they don’t like.

She says she wouldn’t mind staying in town; she is use to being alone and doing things in her own time. She says it was something for her to get use to, living with other people and being away from home.

She says she likes it and she’s glad she chose to stay on the farm, because she has made a lot of new friends.


· Racism

· Politics

· Religion

· Apartheid

These are all things that come up during conversation amongst groups working in the same place. Conflict can occur because of different view points on these subjects. The point of this exercise was so that we can identify things that other people don’t like to talk about. This teaches us to avoid conflict in different ways. Learning how to control and avoid conflict is very important in the work place. This is a skill that you need to develop before going into the work place.

Conflict can arise because of racism. Things that you say and comment on can offend people. While in the work place and also outside the work place you need to understand that there are other people with feelings to. Don’t say hurtful things or make bad jokes about this cause, it brings some people down. Also avoid making any friendly jokes about racism; some people take up things differently than what you say things. This ends in people thinking that you are a racist.

Religion can cause conflict amongst others due to different viewpoints of religions. Attacking and judgment steps in against different religions, egg. AGS and Jews.

Politics can cause conflict because of 2 different organisations that are supported by different people that have different opinions, egg. ANC and DA.

Apartheid can cause conflict because of what happened in the past, egg. The white avoided the black.

This was all necessary so that we can all learn to understand each other, this is very important to know in the work place.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


10 FEBRUARY 2010

Today we
got divided into groups and each of us were handed a topic to discuss with the rest of the group. The three topics were teamwork, responsibility and conflict. We discussed our topics in our groups, did evaluation of what everybody thinks and delivered it to the rest of the group.


• PG
• Sumaya

• Eddy
• Jason

They all got to discuss teamwork and give a definition for it as well. Teamwork portrays the following:

T – together
E – everybody
A – achieves
M – more

When a gr
oup works together to achieve a specific more/goal. A set of players forming one side. A set of people working together to combine for a common purpose. Work together, communication, understand, support, responsibility, motivation, listening and TRUST. Communication: to make known, to transmit or transfer, and to pass news or information. Trust: firm belief in reliability, the truth is the responsibility arising from trust placed in a person’s given authority.


• Chenelle
• Dewaldt
• Natalie

• Monica
• Christian

This group had to discuss responsibility. To be responsible is to make rational decisions. Responsibility is able to take care of people, things and places correctly.
Responsibility: consequences, rules, trust, do’s and don’ts, guidelines and standards. Rules are the specific outline. It is there to help you in life. This gets made from a guideline. Take action for anything you’re going to do.


• Antonet
• Zenobia (me)
• Chery
• San-mari
• Skigh

This was the
group that I was in. We had to discuss conflict. Conflict can arise between team members, because of different personalities and view of things. Conflict is an open clash between two or more opposing teams or individuals. Conflict can also occur in difference of opinions, tasks, feelings, cultures, rasism, religions, strategies ect.


SPORT: Conflict arises here because of different teams, egg. Blue Bulls and Sharks supporters. When two teams play against each other. Usually this leads to debating about these teams, the debating can sometimes get out of hand and then this leads to more personal matters. The result of this is negative conflict for no reason to be.


FRUSTRATION: No rules, no responsibility, no teamwork. Conflict can lead to death or really unhappiness. So never go to bed upset, always talk about what annoys you. You never know what is going to happen when. Important aspects that need to be in mind when conflict occurs, compromise, respect and honesty, talking about what bothers you and communication.



10 FEBRUARY 2010:


We got divided into two groups. One group was for the killing of the Queleas and the other against it. Our group was against it. So our two groups had to debate against each other to see whose view point was better. Each member in the group had to write their own speech, to highlight their own view point. The speech was to see how you as a person feel about what happened and whether you agree or not. Doing a speech or debate you need to have not only just your view point but also known facts to support your feelings or view point. You need to grab people’s attention, you need to highlight the facts, make them aware of what’s going on.


INTRO : Good evening everybody, welcome to Sondela. I am Zenobia and I am going to tell you more about my viewpoint and why I am against this cause.

Why kill innocent birds, when man is doing the same thing. People are also feeding off of the crops. People from different cultures are getting food for free from the crops. So why doesn’t this stop? Why do the birds get punished, but not the humans? The birds are being seen as a pest but yet the human remains untouched.

We are so concerned about what harm the birds are causing, that were not even thinking about what man is doing. Yes we only killed about 2.5 million birds, so now everybody thinks it is acceptable and that they will still grow in flocks. What people aren’t thinking of is, today they are killing millions here, and tomorrow they kill millions elsewhere. So slowly but surely were driving these birds into extinction and a year from now they will be endangered and then what? Then were going to try and save them again. So what exactly is happening here, what is the sense in all of this?

I feel it’s unfair towards the animals; it’s not their fault that the wheat or grain is their food. They didn’t choose what they want to eat in life, this was decided for them. You can’t kill something for eating its primary food, it’s just not right. I think a different method could have been used. If they really did proper brain storming they would have come up with a better idea. There is always more than one option, but all they were thinking of is getting rid of them. Life is all about choices being made.

The method that we had used not only killed millions of Queleas, but also killed millions of insects to. These birds when they are young feed on small insects. So they also have their place in the eco system. Now were wiping out birds and insect, so now were screwing up the whole eco system. All of these small things need to be in mind when a cause like this occurs. The killing of these insects is taking food out of other birds’ mouths to. So slowly but surely were causing a some sort of starvation around South Africa. Why? The killing of the birds is taking part throughout South Africa.

· Other animals are taking the fall

· Starvation is occurring

· Birds are being killed because of their eating habits.

The method that we used in my opinion was very inhumane. Nothing on earth deserves to suffer. Just seeing these small, little innocent birds trying to fly away but not getting anywhere... its peer torture I tell you. It’s cruel and unacceptable. Killing an innocent creature because of its eating habits is wrong, you are committing murder. I’m just totally against the cause of killing the queleas. It’s really sad seeing them suffer like that; hanging themselves in the trees it’s horrible.

The worst part of this is that they are defenceless. I see this from their point of view, what can they do? Nothing, they can’t argue about this, nobody is seeing their side. Human is making all the choices and their voices can’t even be heard. Just think what they would say about this cause, they will of course back themselves up. But not if we don’t give them a chance to see their point of view. They are birds. They are feeding; they don’t know that they are doing wrong. They are just living and feeding as any other animal.

I just want us to see their side, imagine ourselves in their position and then decide whether it’s fair or not. Everybody is always so concerned about nature and always say protect nature it’s important, but now were killing the innocent and harming nature. These birds are a part of nature; they also have a place in the eco-system...

THE END: Thank you all for your attention, I hope my message sank through and that my opinion is stated. Good night.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010




Today was all about communication and asking the right questions. When handed a task it is very important to find out exactly what is wanted from you.

So the first and most important thing you need to do before your handed an assignment, is to ask the right questions. You need to know what you need to do, how you need to do it, what are the circumstances, how it needs to be implemented and whether there are any specific things that nee to be done. Without asking any questions or in fact all questions there is to ask and asking the right questions, you will never know what is expected from you. So always be sure to ask all questions you can possibly think of, no matter how stupid they are it might be very important.

was all about learning how to work in a group and how to share the responsibilities that were given to you. The objectives were to listen and interpret, to follow instructions, to do the planning, to ask all the possible questions, to implement the plan, to give everybody a chance to take part, to deliver, to discuss and also most important to have some fun..


A cat is basic, but when you don't ask all of the questions you wouldn't know exactly what is wanted. We all needed to give our cat a name and also to give a little background about him. Then after we draw the cat we had to discuss our cat with the class. The lesson here is, don't just assume what is wanted from you. Always make sure exactly what the person wants, because everybody has a different opinion and image of things.


We got divided into groups of four and we had to come up with our own ha-ka. This was really funny to see. Everybody had different ideas, some funny and some boring but in the end it came out great. This just shows you each person is different. Doing tasks like these teaches you more about your team mates. Doing this routine taught us to work well in a group, to see every bodies viewpoint, to listen to others and also how to put everything together. The lesson here as well is not just to be serious and organised in a group but also it teaches us how to have fun together.


It is a well planned game that is to be done with 4 team members. I was chosen as the leader, so my other 3 team members had to be blind folded. After they were blind folded all 3 of them had to be tied on a piece of rope. Our objective was to get the key that was hanging in the middle into a small cup. I needed to guide my team mates from point A to point B. I had to give directions, where to move, how far to move and when to move. The lesson here is how to work well in a group, to listen carefully, to lead properly, to trust one another, to ask questions when unsure and just to relax and have fun. Always remember to simplify things when your giving instructions, because you team mates cant see what they are doing or whats going on around them. The other lesson is also not to follow what others are doing, but to simplify the task and to follow your own head and ideas.


  • x2 sheets of paper
  • x4 thumbnails
  • x2 strips of electrical tape
  • x1 strip broad sellotape
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • x1 A4 yellow page
  • x1 piece of string

Our objective was to build a strong building or tower that can uphold 500g. It could have been any size or shape. After we got the supplies we started to form a plan of action. We decided on a square building. The reason for this is so that we can stuff the inside with lots of paper for more support. This idea did indeed work and it was very strong. But yet again we didn't ask the right questions , we never asked whether the 500g was going to be placed on the building or dropped. So this caught us all up in a situation, this was to teach us a lesson. The lesson, to always find out all the information before starting with your tasks. Always ask all the questions that are possible. This was a fun experience to see what each group came up with, and which methods were used by them. This once again showed that every person, well in this case every group had a different view on this task. Every group had a different image of what needs to be done. All of the groups did succeed in this task.

  • x1 egg
  • x1 polystyrene cup
  • x1 piece of electrical tape
  • x1 straw
  • x2 small piece of papers
  • x1 tooth pick
  • x1 piece of string
  • x1 piece of foil

The objective of this game is, to protect your egg. We had to use the equipment given to us, to provide a safe place for our egg. We needed to put the egg inside the polystyrene cup and make a protected area, so that the egg can't fall out or break. After we did our planning as a group we put everything as discussed into place. After everybody was finished, we took our egg in the cup to the commentator's stand at the caravan park. Here one of team member of each group had to go up there and drop the cup from up top. The aim of the game was to see who's egg didn't break. All 3 groups did achieve, none of the eggs broke. The lesson here is brainstorming is very important. Everybody needs to provide a plan to succeed in having the best plan thought of.