Debrief and report writing:
Topic: Theoretical training
Identify Component:
We had theoretical training and learning for duration of three weeks. In these three weeks we learned about creating a guided experience, ecology, geology, weather and climate, biomes, taxonomy, trees, grass, insects, arachnida, amphibians, reptiles, fish, birds, mammals, astronomy and heritage sites.
Strong points:
We got a lot of information about all of these subjects. We got to learn the basics and we were ready for a basic game drive. It taught me a lot of different things about nature, the thing I find interesting is the symbiotic relationships. It’s really something that sticks in my mind. I also like talking about the mammals, I find them interesting.
Well I found it a little hard to get so many different information in my head in such a short period. It made me forget a lot of things. Something I really need to work on is my birds and insects. I’m not quite informed about these subjects so I’m looking into them. Trees, grass and the other subjects I just need to learn a little more information about, except mammals I kind of know them quite good.
What did I learn:
Well all of the above that I have mentioned so far. We learned a little bit of everything. All though I can’t remember everything.
How can we make this better:
Well for starters it would be nice to have gotten more time to learn these subjects better before the vacation. Maybe import some of the work into the gap year. Just saying as in learning about 5 mammals one week and the next week another animal. This will help prepare learning and knowing the work. This would also give opportunity to learn so much more when the course actually starts.
Topic: Roster
Identify components:
We were handed a roster to know who works, when, were and with who. This was so that everything was organised and that every opening had somebody to work there. Each of us received a roster so that we can be sure where we will be working the next day.
Strong points:
It worked out well. Every opening did have somebody working there. No complaints arised.
The only thing that was missed calculated was that not every student got the opportunity to be student on duty. So these students didn’t get the chance to know how it feels to be in “charge” of all the students. They also didn’t get a chance to learn how to manage every position that everybody was working at. I was one of these students.
What did I learn:
Basically how to work towards an organised roster. How to follow the plans that were made. How to read and follow a roster correctly.
How can we make this better:
Well just basically going through the finalised roster and making sure each student gets to work at all the different places there are. To plan more properly.
Topic: Welcoming
Identify components:
Here I learned how to communicate with people, to begin with. I also learned that there are 18 different types of guests. Each guest is different and wants different things. I also learned that it’s important to satisfy your guests and to satisfy your guests’ expectations. At welcoming we welcome the guests and make them feel at home. It is important to make your guests feel at home; this ensures you that they will return.
Strong points:
It taught me how to communicate with any person. It gave me more confidence. I feel good when I make guests smile and when you see their reaction when you greet them on their surnames. I just like talking to the guests and telling them more about what I do here. It taught me to be more assured of myself. It made me less shy towards people.
I need to find a way to deal with the regular people that come here. I want to make conversation with these guests that don’t want to be bothered about the things that are on Sondela. Perhaps when I find such a guest I must try to automatically talk about what I do here, this might be more attracted to him and he might know of somebody that would like to work/study at such a place.
What did I learn:
To work with different guests. To eyeball whether the guest is Afrikaans or English. I’m starting to interpret what type of guest it is before I make conversation. To be more confident and to satisfy their needs.
How can we make this better:
There isn’t really anything you can do, this is something I need to learn how to do. I need to practice what I’m doing and that will make me more successful.
Topic: Conservation
Identify components:
Here we fix what needs to be fixed, we cut grass in order to prevent wild fires, were still going to fix fences, we went to close the roads that are unable to drive on, we made slopes where the water can run to when it’s raining and we clean up around the Wildlife Centre
Strong points:
This helps us to see what work needs to be done on a farm. We need to learn how to manage these things. This helps us to manage in doing a lot of different jobs that are entitled to be known and managed on a farm. It’s also gives us background as nature conservationists to be able do these jobs.
Some of these jobs that we do seem simple but they require hard work. Some of these jobs are also new to me, so I’m not sure exactly what to do, but this is a perfect opportunity for me to learn and I’m looking forward to that. Learning about new things and doing a good job.
What did I learn:
Basically why it’s necessary to cut the grass and clean around certain areas. The prevention of veldt fires is important, if these precautions don’t take place you might just suffer severe damage to you veldt and animals. We went to close certain roads that can’t be accessed whilst it’s raining, this is important for guest safety. These precautions are necessary so that your guests don’t suffer from injuries etc. I also learned that it’s necessary to create slopes before the rain season so that the roads don’t get washed away. Regular checks need to be made to insure that these slopes are still working properly.
How can we make this better:
There is nothing much to be done, maybe just get us to work with certain gear beforehand so that we can insure that we are using it the right way and doing the right things. Some of the gear that the students were working with, they weren’t sure how to use it properly. After working about two or three times with the gear only then they were shown the right way to use it. I think briefing us beforehand is important not only for us but also not to damage the gear that we need to use.
Topic: Wildlife Centre
Identify components:
At the Wildlife Centre we feed the animals. The small antelope, giraffe and zebra’s all get bottle fed. The rhino’s get brown rice with milk. The cats all get meat, the other animals roaming around the Wildlife Centre get fresh lucern and Bok Kos. After we fed the animals, we wash out the bottles and clean out their cages and put in new lucern. Oh and pick up rhino sh#t, it’s quite interesting when to girls do it. It seems so much funnier. After cleaning cages we cut up some more meat for the cats and then we start cleaning up all around the Wildlife Centre, we do this by raking and picking up dead sticks that are lying around.
Strong points:
I enjoy working with the animals. Teaches us more about the animals in the direction of different behaviours, feeding habits, growth etc. Working here makes you look at animals in general in a different manner. We take care of the animals. You get to work with them and you also get to “know” them. I love animals so working here is really wonderful. It’s comforting but you still work.
There aren’t really any challenges here. I’m not a girl girl so I’m not afraid of working and getting my nails dirty, I enjoy this. But one challenge is I would like to help out more, I just feel I don’t do enough.
What did I learn:
We learned that while feeding we have to hold the teats else they might swallow it by accident. Cleaning their cages is important for their health, especially while they live in there and do all of their business in there. Not to come to close to the cheetahs, they are still not tame enough to approach especially when they aren’t use to you. I also learned that rhino’s can change their moods in a second, it kind of reminds me of my one teacher I had and yes she’s female. Just raking up the top layer of leaves and dead branches is necessary. WHY?? So that the ground doesn’t suffocate, it also needs air to breath. And it looks more neat and tidy. A guest appreciates visiting a clean place.
How can we make this better:
Well there is nothing really to be done here. I just think it would be good to tell the students to start raking up around the Centre when there is nothing else left to do. So this will keep them busy when everything is done that needs to be done.
Topic: Guiding
Identify components:
The activities that take place here is taking guests on game drives, game walks, bicycle game drives, horse rides and bush expeditions (which is a game drive and game walk in one). Our tasks are to tell them more about the environment and what’s in it. So all of the knowledge that we’ve been learning so far, we have to interpret to them.
Strong points:
I really like the game drives and the bush expeditions. I like talking about the mammals that are located here, I find them quite interesting. I like talking to the guests so I make eye contact while talking and talk as much as I know. A joke here and there can come in handy for an ice breaker if you need one.
Well I as person have to do more research and learning, simply because I’m not as familiar with the rest of the things as I am with mammals. I also prefer rather going with another first year student on a game drive than one of the second years. Another challenge is I need to get my licence.
What did I learn:
I learned a variety of things, from flying, crawling, swimming animals to grasses and trees. What stuck mostly are mammals. I learned how to be comfortable when talking to guests on a game drive. And I learned that cracking a joke once in a while helps you and them to become more comfortable with each other.
How can we make this better:
I think instead of sending a second year with us on a game drive, rather send another first year. The reason for me saying this is we as first years are still learning and we don’t know everything about all the subjects. When two of us go on a game drive together, we can learn things from each other. You talk about what you know and the other one says things that she knows but you didn’t mention. And so you take turns speaking first. I think it works so much better, I’ve tried it and it works for me.
Topic: Student on duty
Identify components:
The student on duty needs to know where every person is working on the day that he is student on duty. He has to make a list of where they are and keep it by him at all times. He also has to find out at what times the game drive are the previous day so that he can make sure the student that’s doing game drives doesn’t forget or miss it. He has to have a radio with him at all times.
Strong points:
This teaches you how to organise and be in charge and to see whether you can act as a leader and hand out tasks. It also keeps you on alert.
Well I haven’t been student on duty yet, but would love to get a chance to be. Always be awake and prepared. Do what is expected from you.
What did I learn:
Nothing much as I wasn’t student on duty, but I did notice that everybody knows what is expected from the student on duty yet nobody does what they are suppose to. So I would like to learn from their mistakes and do what is expected from me.
How can we make this better:
Basically just design a roster so that everybody gets a turn to be the student on duty. Then when handed the roster just explain again what is expected from the student on duty so that everybody understands and maybe remembers.
Topic: After hour activities
Identify components:
Basically here what happens is you have a night game drive, your working at the movie night or your working at the bring and braai. This all relates to guest relations. This is part from what is expected from you, it’s a part of your tasks as a student at Sondela.
Strong points:
Doing a night game drive teaches you to do a task you know in a different surrounding and time of day that your use to. Bring and braai is basically talking to guests and making sure that they are happy and still fine. You also learn how to deal with guests in different surroundings and activities.
There aren’t really challenges here, mostly you just need to make sure you know your night animals and your stars for when you go out on a game drive and you see no animals. Relate to guests and how they change when they are in different surroundings and taking part in different activities.
What did I learn:
Basically just that it is really important to check up on the guests when there is a bring and braai. This is necessary so that you can know whether they need something or if something is wrong. You need to make them feel important and a part of Sondela.
How can we make this better:
You need to adapt as person and teach yourself the ways of guests.
Topic: Academy duty
Identify components:
Here you catch up on paperwork and research that you need to or want to do. This is the perfect time to get your blog updated.
Strong points:
This can be a good opportunity to learn the things that you are not so good at. It also helps you catch up on work when you are behind.
No challenges.
What did I learn:
From academy duty?? Well it can get quite boring when you are the only student here and just sitting in front of the computer the whole day.
How can we make this better:
Well I’ll say rather give half day for academy on duty. Morning until lunch one student, after lunch until half past five switch another student with the current student in the academy.
Topic: Socials
Identify components:
Free time for students.
Strong points:
We all can get to know each other outside the work place.
No challenges.
What did I learn:
To appreciate and respect everybody as they are, no matter what they do.
How can we make this better:
Don’t need to make anything better.