Monday, October 31, 2011

Maintenace Management Plan:

Narrative 3:
Task 1:

Sondela Wildlife Centre:
žVillage – Kitchen
žVillage – Rooms
žVillage – Bathrooms
žBathrooms – Toilets
žBathrooms – Sinks
žBathrooms – Showers
Electric fences
Wildlife Centre:

žInfrastructures (Boma’s)
vLoose wires
vAny holes in the fence
vThe sleeping den
vThe electric fence in any
vThe structure of the boma
vThe gate to enter the boma
vQuality of fence
Amps of electric fence
žThe layout of the paths
žSafety of the paths
žBarriers of the path ways
žAnimal friendly path ways
žHuman safety path ways

Village – Rooms:
žThe doors – Do they open and close properly. Can the doors lock.
žThe lights – Does all the light in the rooms work
žThe fans – Are all the fans in working order and safe for use
žLook for cracks in the walls
žIs the roof leaking
žDoes all the windows open and close
žIs all wall plugs in working order

Village – Bathrooms:
žDoes the doors work properly
žCan they close and open easily
žIs the lights in working order
žDoes the toilets flush. Are there any leakage on the toilets
žDoes all the taps at the basin work without leaking
žIs all the drains unblocked
žDoes the shower head work properly
žIs the pressure pump still in working order
žHow does the geyser look like. Does it need repair
Sewage drain full or needs cleaning out
Village – Kitchen:
žDoes all windows have shield in front
žDoes all windows have mesh in
žCan the door open and close and lock
žAre the fridges all in working condition
žDoes the washing machine still work and or have any faults on it
žIs the tumble dryer still in working condition
žThe taps by the basins are they working and have enough water pressure without leaking.
žIs there enough cupboards that can close
Is the drain blogged or not
žSealable doors
žRed lights for heat
žDifferent cages, animal safe and in good condition
žLevel floors
žPlace for oxygen to circulate
žLockable cupboards for meds
žWorking fridge for meds
žOperation table still in working condition
žLights bright enough so you can operate at night

žWhere does the drain lead to
žHow does your drain work
žSewage tanks full or not
žHow do you empty it
Where does it lead to
žWhere is your water channels
žAre your water from another area
žAre your water pump in full working condition
žDo you have arrogation running in your place
žAre all your pipes weather friendly

žToilets – Blogged or not, can they flush, can the doors close properly, does the handle's work properly
žBasins – does the taps work properly, is there warm and cold water
žShower – Is the shower usable to people
žDrains – are all the drains unblocked and the tank not to full so that it over flow and if it over flow what procedures must be followed
Sondela Guiding:


Cruisers and Tata:

žAir filter
žPetrol filter
žOil filter
žBreak pads
žBreak fluid

žIs the globe in working condition
žDoes your connections on your vehicle work properly
Are your electric cable long enough so that you can shine all around you when on a night drive
žMake sure you have a radio with you
žYour radio must be on the right wave length as the rest of the farm
žAre the battery charged
žCan you connect to all the channels
žAre your areal still in working condition

Sondela Conservation:
žPaths And Tracks
žRoad networks
c. Waterholes
d. Paths
e. Roads
f. Fences
g. Power lines
žAnimals (Fauna)
žPlants (flora)
žInvasive and alien
žFire breaks
Paths and Tracks:
žWhere are your paths going to be
žWhat needs to be done to create this path
žIs it an old path that just needs to be cleaned again or is it an brand new path that needs to created through the bush
žFor what is this path
žRemoving of harm full objects in the path
žClear the path way
žRemove assess sand
žClear sides of harm full trees and branches
žClose up big holes in the paths
žRemove big stones
žRemove big roots sticking out in the path

Road networks:
žAll the roads on your reserve
žAre there problems with water dumping up after rain
žAre your sides higher than your road
žHow regular must the road be scraped
žHow much traffic does your road handle on a daily basis
žAre there any water channels from your road to lead the water away

žA. Infrastructure:
žPaint on your walls
žIs there any cracks in your walls
žThe building style of your chalets and houses
žDifference between chalets and houses
žLights in and around your chalets/houses
žDoors lockable and in correct condition
žUsable windows
žTermite heaps near the chalet/house that might damage the infrastructure

žB. Plumbing:
žAll water pipes
žAll toilets
žAll basins
žAll showers
žAll baths
žAll drains
žAll sewage out lets

žC. Electrical:
žAll lights in and around the chalet/house
žAll wall plugs
žAll kitchen compliance's
žAll TV’s

žA. Infrastructure:
žAre all your look out points safe for guest to use
žAre there lights for night viewing
žAre the latties still stable and not eaten by termites
žAre there any bathrooms available for guest use, nearby

žB. Dams:
žAre there any hand made dams on your reserve
žDo they run on natural resources like e.g. Rain
žAre they driven by water pumps
žAre the pumps fully functional
žWhat are the dams use e.g. Humans or animals

žC. Waterhole:
žWhere is all the waterholes located
žAre the waterholes filled by natural resources
žAre the waterholes filled by man
žAre the waterholes close to road sides
žAre the waterholes for human viewing
žAre they hand made ( human made)

žD. Paths:
žAre your path ways for human use
žAre they safe to use
žAre they clear from any hazardous materials
žAre they for walking, riding or quads
žAre there any big holes in the path ways
žBig stones need to be removed or path made around it
žIs it in a grassland area or thicken area
žWhat soil type is on the path

žE. Roads:
žAll main roads, game drive roads, guest roads and service roads
žWater problem on the roads after big rain fall
žDo the roads need to be scraped
žHow regular must they be scraped
( monthly, weekly or yearly)

žF. Fences:
žBroken wires
žPlates against wire for animal protection
žWarthog hi-ways
žQuality of the fence
žCorner post’s
žGates if any

žG. Power Lines:
žWhere are they situated on your farm
žWhat type of power lines it is
žHow big they are
žWhat is the AMPS they run
žWhat company are they from e.g. Escom
žDo they do the repairs or can your qualified electrician do they maintenance on them
žWhat do you do when a link caught fire

žH. Fauna:
žAll different species on your reserve
žWhere are they located
žDifferent species in different vegetation areas
žWater depended
žAre they browsers or grazers
žRuminant and non ruminant animals

žI. Flora:
žWhat type of vegetation do you have where on your farm.
žWhat vegetation grows on what soil types.

žJ. Invasive Plants:
žList all invasive plants on your reserve
žWhich of them are endangered

The End!!

Ecological Management Plan:

29September 2011:
Narrative 3:

The purpose of the Presentation:
The main Purpose of this presentation, is to briefly explain the concept of an Ecological Management Plan

What is Ecology ???
¢Ecology is basically, the study of interactions between organisms and their specific environments.
¢The basic law of ecology is, the lives of different animal and plant species are linked.
This basically means, if you change one thing/component in nature it changes other things as well.

What is an Ecological Management Plan ???
¢Well an ecological management plan, plans to minimize the detrimental changes to the ecosystem.
¢It also tries to rehabilitate damages in the ecosystem, if possible.

Why do Game reserves need an Ecological Plan?
¢To keep a healthy balance between the habitat and the animals.
¢To ensure the sustainability of a game reserve.

How do you get an income for an Ecological Plan?
¢The funds are collected from the levy called the Conservation fee, this is in the private sector.
¢It is also funded by a budget in the case of a state department, they manage the conservation areas.

Time span of an Ecological Plan?
¢For the most effective Ecological Management Plan, the duration is between 2-5 years.
¢The 5 years are divided into annually sectors.
¢This is to ensure the progress of each year, to stay on schedule and to make sure you will have enough funds to work with.
¢Each years progress will ensure the 5 year plan to reach it’s target and objectives.

Implementation of the Ecological Plan:
¢To make it easier, you can divide the project into different sections per year. This is to make it easier and more usable.
¢You can then implement your plan according to your target dates.

Trophic pyramid:

Where does the management section fit in?
¢The management of a reserve, has to approve all the projects and the supportive budget of each of your projects.
¢Your conservation officer is responsible for the implementation of the projects as well as the managing of the budgets.

Current state of the reserve:
¢Do an Environmental Audit on all of the elements available.
¢This is to determine all the environmental issues that needs to be addressed.

Elements to be looked at:
¢Soils: Different types, erosion, etc.
¢Vegetation: Different types, alien plants, over-grazing, carrying capacity, etc.
¢Animals: Different species, populations, distributions, etc.
¢Infrastructure: Roads, buildings, dams, etc.
¢Tourism Opportunities: Game drives, archery, WLC tour, etc.
¢Human Influences: Waste disposal, dumping sites, etc.

¢Overview – 5 Year Plan
¢Overview of each year – Project Based
¢Soil Management
¢Water Management
¢Vegetation Management
¢Animal Management
¢Infrastructure Management
¢Fire Management
¢Tourism Management
¢Human Influence Management
¢List of projects
¢Budget per project – Capital operational

Element and Project Examples:

. Soil Management

¢Erosion Project

2. Water Management

¢Catchment Management Project
¢Water distribution Project

3. Vegetation Management

¢Alien/indigenous/ invader removal project
¢Bush Encroachment Project

4. Animal Management

¢Mammal census Project
¢Earthworm Project
¢Owl Research Project

. Soil Management

¢Erosion Project

2. Water Management

¢Catchment Management Project
¢Water distribution Project

3. Vegetation Management

¢Alien/indigenous/ invader removal project
¢Bush Encroachment Project

4. Animal Management

¢Mammal census Project
¢Earthworm Project
¢Owl Research Project

Infrastructure Management

¢Road Closure Project
¢Hide Development Project

6. Fire Management

¢Improvement of fire prevention project
¢Fire fighting ability Project

7. Tourism Management

¢New attraction Project
¢Wetland Route

8. Human Influences Management

¢Human impact awareness Project

Vision for the Reserve in 5 years:
¢An Ecological sustainable reserve with alien free vegetation.
¢Almost a 100% soil coverage and healthy animal populations. This will draw the attention to the tourists, to enjoy the outdoor experience.

Which Element do we need to look at?
¢Veldt management, with different projects – to improve the veldt condition.
¢Harvesting of fauna, project – keeping record on the different animal populations. This will include mortality, nationality, gender records, etc.
¢Soil protection, projects – different ways to improve the soil layer.
Management of human impacts.

Implementation of a 5year Plan:
¢Implement it with one year plans that have an operating budget allocated to each year.
¢A capital budget that funds the capital intensive projects.
¢Register conservation projects that forms part of the implementation of the yearly plans.
¢Conservation project on each element, e.g. A project to implement a wetland tour as part of the experience.

Implementation of 1year Plans:
¢1 year plans mostly consists of the different projects that were identified in the 5year plan formulation.
These projects must be scheduled over 5years, e.g. A erosion control project can be broken into sections. These sections will be handled off in the first 2-4 years each year has to have the specific that needs to happen and also the cost behind it.

Budget for a 1year Implementation:
1.Calculate the total income in the conservation department.
2.Make sure the projects to be done have been confirmed.
3.Allocate the money needed for the projects.
4.Highlight all the challenges that might occur during the projects
5.Set target dates for the projects.

The use of the Conservation fee:
¢The income for your conservation department consists of your conservation fee.
Your budget must spent on the implementation of the different projects that you have and those that are being planned.

Role of the policies and procedures:
¢The role is to describe the policies of the reserve itself. This is to inform people what will be tolerated and what won’t be tolerated.
¢The procedures are there to describe how the policies will be implemented.

Monitoring of the Implementation for your ecological plan:
¢How do you know that you are successful?
¢What is the current progress on the different projects that are being constructed?
¢How are you monitoring the budget for each of the projects that are set out?

Summary on the Presentation:
¢Step1: an ecological audit must be done. This is to evaluate the current state of the reserve – log it.
¢Step2: the audit must be used to plan the projects in full detail as well as to register them over a period of 5years. This will increase the state of the habitat in the future.
¢Step3: formulate the 1year’s projects and plan your budget.

Conclusion and the way forward:
¢This will improve the future state of the reserve and ensure it is more independent on the management practices of the present customers of the reserve.

The End !!!